With the use of new media and technology we build theoretical-aesthetic discourses around many topics involving disembodiment, avatars, digital body, man- machine integration and all the socio-cultural impact that these have in relationship to the time and space in which they occur. Dislocated is a conceptual interactive object that brings these notion to life in a simple and uncanny form. The 3D printed finger is modeled in 6 parts with a system of 3 joints. The base houses the motor with a gear that fits onto it. The string wraps onto the gear and goes inside the finger in order to kinetically move the joints.
The servo motor is connected to Arduino and a BLE shield. The finger will move according to your distance from it, it reads the Bluetooth signal strength. The app also has a switch that allows you to take control of the finger and move it with a slider. All the mechanism is hidden in a circular black base, designed and laser cut in plexiglas to fit the components and allow for the single finger to come out. The glass dome creates an enclosure that isolates it from the environment, strictly allowing interaction through the app.
iOS Application
In collaboration with Melanie Bossert